- 2010 The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh: Part II: Membership in Orthodontics (MOrth RCSEd)
- 2006–2010 Tartu Ülikool, ortodontia residentuur
- 2001–2006 Tartu Ülikool, arstiteaduskond, hambaarstiteadus
- 1998–2001 Hugo Treffneri Gümnaasium
- 1997–1998 Mart Reiniku Gümnaasium
- 1990–1997 Tartu 15. Keskkool
- 2016–... Meliva, ortodont
- 2008–2016 Ortodontiakeskus OÜ (praegune Meliva), ortodont
- 2006–2010 Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikum, ortodontia resident
Erialased kursused
- Andrews Philosophy, Segment II, California, Carlsbad, USA
- Andrews Philosophy, Segment I, California, Carlsbad, USA
- Current Concepts in the orthodontic management of TMD, Tallinn
- Ortodondilt ortodondile
- Effective Finishing Techniques, dr Evangelista Giovanni Mancini
- Treatment for cleft lip and palate patients in Finland, dr Kirsti Hurmerinta, dr Jyri Hukki, dr Jorma Rautio
- Typodont course IV: Detailed discussion of selected treatment procedures, dr Wolfgang Grüner
- Forestadent „We need more space“, dr Björn Ludwig
- Ohutu implantatsiooni alused, dr Alon Rass
- Functional Analysis in Splint Therapy, Dietmar Schaan
- 1st Baltic Sea Conference in Orthognathic Surgery and Orthodontics
- 85th Congress of the European Orthodontic Society
- Mudelianalüüs: tsentraalse suhte leidmine artikulaatoris, patsiendi individuaalsete loomulike liigutuste installeerimine, Dietmar Schaan
- Hambumuskaped ja nende erinevad näidustused, dr Sten Kvarfortd, dr Ulf Larsson
- Ortodontia Eestis 2009
- 6th Congress of Baltic Orthodontic Association
- Young and adult treatment. Treatment planning with MBT and Smart Clip philosophy, dr John Scholey, dr Oscar Medina
- Passive self-ligation, dr David Birnie
- Eesti Hambaarstide päevad
- Craniocervical junction – head posture related to craniofacial growth, prof Jan Huggare