
Coming to an occupational health assessment

Occupational health assessment is arranged by your employer. Once you have received an email for a health check-up, please schedule an appointment for the health check-up via self-service: The invitation is valid for 3 months.

  • Before the health check-up, please fill out the health declaration and mental health questionnaire in the self-service portal.
  • You can find the health examination card in paper format in English here
  • Please do not attend the health check-up during an acute illness phase, exacerbation of a chronic illness, or while on sick leave.
  • If it is not possible to attend the health check-up on the designated date or time, please reschedule the appointment via self-service. The appointment can be changed up to 48 hours before the visit; if necessary, please inform the reception.
  • Before reviewing the preparation guide for analyses and examinations, please clarify with your employer which examinations are included in your package.

Blood and Urine Test Submission

Analyses provide an overview of the current state of the body, creating opportunities for disease prevention and early detection.

  • It is recommended not to eat, smoke, or chew gum for at least 2 hours before taking a blood test. This ensures that the test results are most objective. We suggest drinking plain, unflavored water during this time.
  • When giving a urine sample, remember that at least 2 hours should have passed since the last urination.
Eyesight testing

Eyesight checks and vision tests will be conducted by an optometrist or ophthalmologist.

  • If you wear glasses, we ask you to bring your glasses and, if possible, the prescription for your current glasses to the appointment.
  • We ask you to remove your contact lenses a few hours prior.
Exercise test on cycle ergometer (if you employer has chosen this)

A cardiovascular test which enables assessment of exercise tolerance and helps reveal health problems which might go unnoticed during a regular ECG conducted in a resting state.

  • Before the exercise test, we ask you to sign a consent form on the conducting of the exercise test (the form is available in the physician's office or at reception).
  • We ask you to bring athletic and comfortable clothing and shoes to the exercise test. There is a showering option after the exercise test (bring a towel and shower products).
  • We recommend bringing an apple, yoghurt, or something sweet to get your energy up before the exercise test.
  • We recommend not working out 1 day before the test and avoiding major exercise.
  • The exercise test will be performed at the Meliva with persons weighing up to 140 kg.

We ask that people coming to the exercise test who have suffered severe COVID-19 symptoms come to the test once their performance has fully recovered (at least 3 weeks have passed since being declared healthy).

If it becomes evident at the appointment that an employee has not yet recovered, meaning that it is not possible to conduct the exercise test, the employer will unfortunately have to pay for a new appointment and exercise test.

Physiotherapist’s appointment

A physiotherapist helps with musculoskeletal pain and restrictions caused by overload or traumas, in preparation for and recovery from surgery, and treatment and prevention of sports injuries.  

  • We ask you to wear comfortable clothing at the appointment to be able to follow the exercises.
  • In addition to regular physiotherapist appointments, we also offer the service online via video.
Abdominal ultrasound (if you employer has chosen this)

This examination enables to observe and measure the shape, size, and structure of internal organs.

  • Do not eat at least 4-6 hours before the examination (except people suffering from diabetes).
  • We ask you to drink a sufficient amount (1-1.5 l) of still water 2-3 hours before the examination and not urinate before the examination is completed.
Audiometry test

This test is intended for determining hearing acuity and diagnosing hearing loss.

  • We recommend avoiding noise at least 12 hours before the test.

This is a test that measures lung capacity and respiratory tract permeability at forced (maximal depth and speed) breathing.

  • Two hours before the test, avoid coffee, tea, and caffeinated soft drinks.
  • Four hours before the test, avoid smoking.
  • Six hours before the test, avoid taking short-acting bronchodilators.
  • Twelve hours before the test, avoid taking long-acting bronchodilators.
Peak flow measurement

The test measures the maximum speed of expiration, which gives a primary estimation of lung function. The test will enable to decide whether consultation with a physician and spirometry are required.

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