
This website has been designed in adherence to the WCAG 2.1 AA accessibility guidelines. This means that technical measures and copywriting principles have been implemented to ensure that individuals with visual, hearing, physical, speech, sensory, language, learning, and neurological impairments can easily consume the website's content.

In addition, the information can be made more accessible by changing browser and operation system settings. You can find an overview of the main aids below.

More detailed instructions on this subject are available at (in English). If you need assistance, please contact us at

Keyboard navigation

You can navigate this website using only your keyboard. Use the Tab key to navigate. Each push of the key highlights the next element. The currently active element is marked by a change of colour and a box surrounding it. Press the Enter key to activate the highlighted element.

'Skip to main content' skips the header and the left-side menu. 'Toggle high contrast' enables high-contrast view - text is changed to white, links to yellow, and backgrounds to black. 'Accessibility' refers to the current page you are on.

Magnifying content


Firstly, we recommend using the built-in functionality of browsers.

All popular browsers enable to zoom in and out on pages by pressing and holding the Ctrl key (Cmd key for the OS X operation system) and pressing either the + or - key at the same time. Press the Ctrl and 0 keys simultaneously to return to normal size.

Separate software

All commonly used operation systems have settings to magnify content on the screen.

You can find the Magnifier on Windows 7/10 by clicking the 'Start' button at the bottom left corner, typing in Magnifier (the first few letters are enough) and pressing Enter. A small window opens, allowing you to select the zoom level and whether to zoom in on the entire content on the screen or use the magnifier view that zooms in on a certain area of the screen which can be moved with your mouse.

For Apple computers, activate the zooming options as follows: Apple menu > System Preferences > Accessibility (or Universal Access) > Zoom.

Browser extensions

Browsers have extensions available that enable zooming to complement the existing functionality of the browser. For example, “Zoom Page” for Firefox enables to zoom in on the entire page, as well as text only, and AutoZoom for Chrome

Using a screen reader

Screen reader is software that tries to interpret what is on the computer screen and communicate it using other means, such as sounds or audio comments. This aid is mainly intended for people with visual impairments. 

This website follows the accessibility standards recognised by screen readers, providing an alternative format for all visual content. For instance, images are accompanied by descriptions in text form, and the placement and order of structural elements take into account the movement of the screen reader on the screen, allowing for a logical consumption of information.

Selection of popular screen readers

JAWS (Windows)

VoiceOver (OS X, free of charge, built-in)

NVDA (Windows, free if charge)

SystemAccess (Windows)